Insecure work and short term government funding cycles mean disability workers often move from job to job, losing their long service leave entitlements before ever taking a proper break. This leaves workers burnt out, and can lead to people leaving the sector completely.

We want to change this. We want you to be able to take a proper break.

Do you know how much Long Service Leave you’ve missed out on?  



Every worker in the NDIS should have paid time off work for holidays, breaks, and long service leave if you are unwell or caring for someone in your family.

As a disability support worker you deserve the same rights and recognition of your service no matter if funding changes mean a change in your employer or service provision.

Your work matters, but if you move employers you can be at risk of losing your hard earned long service leave.

Most workers in the NDIS are casual, part-time, or sole traders. This means you do not get the benefits that permanent full time workers get including access to paid time off. That’s not fair.

Even full time workers often miss out on long service leave because of changes in client funding and choices.

That’s why union members are coming together for recognition of our work in disability support.



The Australian Services Union is campaigning for portable long service leave for NDIS workers.

Portable long service leave is like superannuation – something that you carry with you from job to job and build over time.

It means your long service leave will be based on the years you have worked in the sector – not the amount of time you have worked for your current employer.

Did you know that portable long service leave is already available in many industries in South Australia, including building and construction, local government, public health and education?

If it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for us!

The Australian Services Union has already won portable long service leave for disability and community services in Victoria, Queensland and the ACT, and we have a commitment from the NT government to introduce a scheme in this term of office.


You don’t deserve to miss out

Join the union for NDIS workers because together we can make a real difference for disability support workers in South Australia.  

Being a member of the ASU means you have access to expert legal advice and workplace support, professional indemnity insurance plus ongoing training opportunities!


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